The main goal of my research is to build intelligent autonomous agents by exploring the intersection between the power of Artificial Intelligence techniques and the rigorousness of Formal Methods mathematical tools.


I am the author/contributor of several open-source software tools, including Lemming, NL2LTL, pddl, Plan4Past, LTLf2DFA, and TraceAligner.


During the spring of 2022, I was a TA for the AI module within the AI&ML 2021/2022 graduate course at Sapienza University.

During the spring of 2021, I was a TA for the Reasoning Agents graduate course at Sapienza University, co-supervising 4 project groups.

From January 2019 to April 2020, I was a TA for several undergraduate courses at York University, including EECS1021, EECS1022 (x2), EECS2021, and EECS2030.
